Welcome back to Fifty-Two on Friday, a 52 week project where super talented pet photographers from all over the world collaborate on a different theme each week for a year in order to push our creative photographic limits. Visit this site every Friday to see each photographer’s take on the theme for the week. I’ll be linking to another pet photographer’s site and they’ll be doing the same so make sure to go through all the links until you arrive back here!
This week’s theme is “April Showers Bring May Flowers”. Spring has finally arrived here and all of the flowers are beautiful! We still have some cold windy days here and there, but summer will be here before we know it! Here’s my baby Seren, enjoying the nice weather!

For more showers or flowers head on over to Share The Joy Photography in the San Francisco Bay Area!
by Stephanie Madeline
Melissa - Love it!!
Deanna Hurt - Pretty photo, Seren looks so cute on the bench and the flowers behind it are beautiful. Nice work.
Kathy - What a gorgeous background! And Seren is pretty gorgeous, too! Great shot!
ncspets - Beautiful capture!
Lina Tay - very nice picture 😀
Alicia Kapheim - Aw, sweet pose on the park bench!
Blue - Aww, Seren is adorable!!! The colors of the bench and flowers work really well together. Beautiful!
Kathryn Schauer - Lovely shot!
Dog Lost in Azaleas - […] week : “April Showers Bring May Flowers”. Click through to fellow New Jersey photog : Chase and Snap Pet Photography. Keep clicking and you’ll end up back […]