Welcome back to Fifty-Two on Friday, a 52 week project where super talented pet photographers from all over the world collaborate on a different theme each week for a year in order to push our creative photographic limits. Visit this site every Friday to see each photographer’s take on the theme for the week. I’ll be linking to another pet photographer’s site and they’ll be doing the same so make sure to go through all the links until you arrive back here!

by Stephanie Madeline
Sharon Stokes - Aww, Starfox is such a cutie and so trusting too 🙂 Great shot too!
Karen - Love Starfox! Let her know that being a supermodel is very hard work 🙂
Stephanie Madeline - Thanks guys! Kelly I think it’s because he has zero balance, lol. And I figured I’d make up for missing the sun flare assignment last week. 🙂
Kelly Ladouceur - I guess Starfox wouldn’t be up for Nascar racing, huh? Cute photo! Love the sun flare too!
Terran - I love the golden sun in the background AND Starfox’s little pink tongue sticking out at you. Hah!!!
Pet Photography - 52 Project Blur | Sweet Silver Photography - […] out the other photographers interpretation of blur starting with Stephanie Madeline of Chase & Snap Pet Photography in New Jersey. Click through the links until you arrive back here. Have a great […]