Meet Gigi, one of the sweetest Pit Bulls I have ever met! Now don’t get me wrong, every Pit Bull I’ve met so far has been super sweet & friendly, but this girl is particularly fond of hugs and cuddles. Currently residing in San Diego, California, Gigi is one of those dogs that have a sad story but also a happy ending. She was rescued by two under cover cops from a fighting ring in Missouri, along with about 40 other Pit Bulls*. And despite her scars and the fact that she is blind in her left eye, she is still totally happy and the ultimate people pleaser. Her owners, Lauren & Matt, first saw her at the rescue they volunteer at and instantly fell in love. Gigi’s story reinforces the importance of adopting and not judging a dog by their breed or past. I’m very grateful for people like Lauren & Matt for the great work they did as volunteers, helping to save innocent animals one dog or cat at a time. Hope you enjoy the photos!
*Correction: Two undercover officers infiltrated a fight ring in Missouri using 40 dogs that they purchased from fight yards. Gigi was one of these “undercover” dogs. When the ring was busted, over 500 dogs were saved never mind the thousands that would have potentially gone through the ring if it weren’t for the actions of those officers. Gigi was one of 2 of the “undercover” dogs who was able to be placed in a rescue and then eventually adopted.

by Stephanie Madeline