Welcome back to Fifty-Two on Friday, a 52 week project where super talented pet photographers from all over the world collaborate on a different theme each week for a year in order to push our creative photographic limits. Visit this site every Friday to see each photographer’s take on the theme for the week. I’ll be linking to another pet photographer’s site and they’ll be doing the same so make sure to go through all the links until you arrive back here!

by Stephanie Madeline
Favorite Toy :: 52 Projects Week 48 » EDDOG Pet Photography | Lisa Van Dyke | Sacramento Pet and Equine Photographer - […] more fun photos from other pet photographers, please see what New Jersey Pet Photographer, Stephanie Madeline of Chase & Snap Pet Photography has captured with her camera and follow the ring until you find yourself back here. Happy […]
Sharon - Haha, great moment! Love it!
Karen - This is great! Such glee in her eyes as she has BOTH balls in her mouth!
Lisa Van Dyke (@EDDOGPhotog) - LOL! I don’t know how in the world she manages two balls in her mouth. What a beautiful dog!
Heather - Love this photo – so cute 🙂
Heather - Love this photo! Great shot!
Favorite Dog Toy | EDDOG Photography - […] more fun photos from other pet photographers, please see what New Jersey Pet Photographer, Stephanie Madeline of Chase & Snap Pet Photography has captured with her camera and follow the ring until you find yourself back here. Happy Friday!!! […]