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Little Critter Pet Sitter

My pet sitter friend Ines Cardenas of Little Critter Pet Sitter wanted me to take pictures of her with her clients and I wanted a chance to build more of my portfolio. So we had a minishoot day of some cool dogs. The great thing about Ines is that besides the fact that she’s trained in animal CPR, has over 10 years of animal care experience, and was a vet technician for a number of years, she truly does care for each and every pet like they were her own. So if you ever need to go away on vacation and you don’t want your poor pet cooped up in a kennel, give Ines a call and have some peace of mind.

Meet Duke or Duky as Ines affectionately calls him. This little pup was sooo adorably fluffy I couldn’t take it. The shot on the right was a last minute happy accident as I had just put the camera away. While we were about to put Duke back in his cage, he grabbed his leash and started playing with it, and I had to be super quick to catch this moment. I’m uber glad I was able to get it.

Duke Golden Doodle

Our next model was happy Augi the Bulldog. He loves to bask in the sun.

augi the bulldog
augi the bulldog

Next up we have the elegant greyhounds Moe and Cookie. I love how sleek they look.

Moe greyhound
cookie greyhound

Last but not least, the sexy Shiba Inus, Pupsy and Sunji. These dogs were so cool, I’m seriously considering adopting a Shiba as well. Sunji was so curious about the camera, that I was basically followed the entire time. Which surprised me because Shibas are normally very independent and stubborn.

shiba inus
pupsy shiba inu

Such a great minishoot day!

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